Enchante/d/ Rings CYOAThe goddess of all things lewd has granted you the power to craft magical rings. When worn, they will provide magical powers; but in exchange, they will carry some drawbacks for the entertainment of the goddess. You must craft all rings right now, but can read the whole document before doing anything. Each ring you make is very thin and easy to put on. However, some may only come off under certain conditions. By default, only you can wear the rings. If you lose them, you can make them come back to you. They cannot be destructed. For each ring, you can buy any amount of powers, drawbacks; in any order you want. Powers will take points, drawbacks will give you points. All points are specific to that ring, and the total sum of points of each ring must be zero or positive. The rings you make are crafted in order. The first one you craft starts with 0 points, the second one starts with —2 points, the third with —4 points, and so on. This does not apply to slave rings and rings of ownership. Some effects can’t be taken together: they can’t be applied to the same ring. They may be applied to different rings, but these rings cannot then be worn together. In general, two effects from two different rings count as taken together for as long as they’re both active if the two rings are worn together. Unless otherwise specified, each effect cannot be taken more than once per ring. Multiple rings can be worn together only if they have together at least as much unused points as the sum of their common drawbacks minus the sum of their common non-stackable powers; for example, if two rings have only three +3 drawbacks and a —5 non-stackable power in common, they must have together at least 4 left over points to be worn together. Their common powers and drawbacks don’t stack (except for powers that can be taken multiple times); drawbacks and punishments that override powers override them over all active powers, not just the powers from their own ring. The goddess wants you to entertain her, so she will keep random events from happening at times that would put you in danger. “The ring” or “this ring” refers to the ring on which the effect is applied. Choices written as “choose now” must be made when the ring is crafted. A different choice may be made each time an effect is applied on a ring. Choices written as “choose upon activation” must be made when the ring is put on. When a ring is put on, its drawbacks and punishments activate immediately, but a ring’s powers activate only after having been worn for a week (startup duration). Also, when in ring is taken off, its powers deactivate immediately, but its drawbacks and punishments stay active for a full week after the ring is taken off (cooldown duration). The ring can be taken off during the startup duration, but its powers will not have been activated. The ring cannot be put back on until its cooldown duration has finished. This also applies to rings with the same drawback and other rings conflicting with this one.
No power can be used to escape or avoid the effect of a drawback or punishment, and effects with obvious contradictions cannot be taken together. Some drawbacks may, directly or indirectly, cause you to be abused; in those cases, your abuser will generally try to take you somewhere at least a little private. A ring does not count as being worn if the wearer is dead. Finally, you are forced to have the following six powers permanently for free: |
Cured At the time of the crafting, you are cured of all physical and mental sicknesses or disabilities that you choose now to be cured of. | Relocated At the time of the crafting, you are provided a home, very basic welfare income, and a blank criminal record in any city of any country on earth. You must choose that city now. | Swapped gender You permanently become, if you choose so now, an equivalent of the current you but of the opposite gender. If you do so, you may choose to mentally adopt the psychological gender-specific characteristics of taken gender if you want to. You are as fertile as a normal person of that gender. All those decisions must be made now. | Safe drawbacks All sexual intercourse that occurs as a direct result of one of the drawbacks, consensual or not, is guaranteed to be STD-free if you want it to be. | Move along You are guaranteed to never get in trouble with any kind of authority for any effect of a drawback. That aside, everyone still reacts as normal to what you’re doing. | Spare the family
You are guaranteed that all drawbacks that involve other people (marked with a |
Powers |
Strength You gain superhuman strength. Using that strength can’t cause you damage and doesn’t tire you more than normal strength. | Invulnerability During activation, you regenerate very rapidly any physical damage you may already have and are invulnerable to all external physical damage. You will still feel the pain that damage would cause to you, though. | Teleport During activation, the ring allows you to teleport instantly to any place you can see directly (up to 4km|2.5mi) or have been to, up to 21 times a week. Does not teleport you between realms. | Never sleep During activation, you do not need to sleep, always feel rested and are never tired due tu lack of sleep. You can still sleep if you want to without consequences. | Immunity During activation, you are cured of any diseases you may have (unless you specifically don’t want to be cured of it), and become you immune to all diseases until deactivation. | |
Painless You cannot feel physical pain unless you want to. You can also choose at any time what kinds of pain you want to feel. | Gifted Choose now any subject, and you will become as competent as the most competent person in that specific subject currently is or has ever been. Can be taken multiple times on the same ring. | Time stop Upon activation, you can select any amount of people by looking at them or remembering their face, for up to a week of selection. You can then stop the time of their minds; everything will continue on normally, but their mind will just skip everything until you resume time (the ring cannot be taken off during this time). However, you can only stop their minds for as much time as you’ve worn the ring since you last used this power (for example, you can stop their minds for up to a week if you’ve worn the ring for a week without using the power, or if you’ve worn the ring for a week since you’ve last used this power). | No sustenance During activation, you do not need any food, water or air to live, and you won’t thin down or feel hunger, thirst or asphyxiation no matter the case. You can still eat normally without any unusual effects. | Polylingual
During activation, you are as fluent as can be in all existing languages, including natural languages, constructed languages and programming languages, written and oral. Enjoy the Ithkuil. |
Eternal youth Choose a target age now. Upon activation, you are brought to this age at the rate at which you normally age, no matter whether you are younger or older. When the target age is reached, you stop aging. Upon deactivation, you start aging again at normal speed from the target age. | Pocket space You now constantly have access to a pocket dimension in which you can store about anything (including people) that you can physically carry, except yourself. Each ring with this power has its own pocket space. You have a different pocket space in each realm. Also, time is stopped in the pocket dimension when you’re not accessing it. | Magical realm During activation, you can at any time travel to a parallel low-fantasy medieval magical realm and back. At each travel from one realm to another, you will be teleported to the place nearest to where you left. The first time you arrive, you will be in a small village. Nothing other than you and your rings can travel between realms. That realm will forever be populated with humans with a mentality close enough to that of current earth. You will start as a total stranger of that society, but they will speak any language you can speak (choose which one now). If this power deactivates, you are taken back to the normal world. Drawbacks that are carried out with technology in the normal world are carried out with magic in the magical realm. | |||
Quick change The change is now nine times faster. However, when you take the ring off, you start aging nine times faster for as long as you wore the ring. | Easy changer You can now change the target age at any time. | ||||
Singular space Your pocket space is now shared between realms. | Higher up Upon activation, you start with a fairly high-up social position. You have a manor and are guaranteed a relatively stable source of income from your thirty serfs; but who knows how things may turn out. Upon deactivation, you are no longer recognized as the person who owns the manor or the serfs. | ||||
Metamorphosis Choose now an entire physical appearance for your age and gender. You are limited to what would generally be found in people of your gender and age. During activation, you transform into that form. You continue to age normally, and your age is carried through all your physical appearances. | Stargate You can now, in each realm, build Stargate-sized gates that allow two-way communication and travel through the realms. Only the last stargate built in each realm works. | ||||
Shapeshifting You can now re-choose your metamorphosis appearance up to once a day. | Futanari You are now allowed all features of both genders, including genitals. You can have a penis, a vagina, both, but not none. | Deception During activation, everyone (except specific people which you can choose now) will think that your metamorphosis appearance is how you always looked. When looking at photographs of you, they will see your metamorphosis appearance instead. | Inhuman You can now include inhuman features, including fantasy ones, as long as you remain of flesh and blood and somewhat humanoid. You can also specify another size as well (by a factor of three in both ways), but the change to your new size will be progressive (around a 1m|3ft per day), including when this power deactivates. | Ideal match Upon activation, you meet a person that you must describe now (that description must still be somewhat realistic, and can include psychological features, such as being in love with you). Howeven, upon deactivation, that person must leave you and not communicate with you. He/she has their own backstory, continues to live their life on their own and retains their memory between activations, but cannot communicate or meet you in any way when this power is deactivated. Challenging this may result in harm being caused to that person. | King in the north You now start as the king of a small country. Grants a lot of power, but your position as king takes a lot of responsability and work to stay unchallenged. Same rules as higher up. |
Drawbacks on this ring involving other people (indicated with a |
Mind reader During activation, you can read the mind of anyone you can see directly, or have already read the mind of. Can also be used to know if a person is alive, sleeping or dead. After an hour of continuous listening, you can begin to explore that person’s deep thoughts, desires, tastes, etc; this resets when you stop listening. | Vanilla Unless this is explicit goal of a drawback, people will find what you do normal and, while not doing it themselves, will not be shocked or revolted, or shame you for what the drawbacks cause you to do. They will still want to take advantage of you as much as before, however. | Optivision You can now see very far away, through walls and other thin surfaces, and in infrared. All can be activated and deactivated on command. | ||
Drawbacks on this ring involving other people ( |
Battlestation Upon activation, the first computer you touch will have its processing speed and memory magically increased by a factor of 1024. This will disappear upon deactivation. | Flying During activation, you can fly. Your speed is similar to that of an eagle. If this power is suddenly interrupted while flying, you will slowly glide downwards until you land safely. | Sharing is caring Rings crafted with this power can only be put on voluntarily by people other than you. Before being worn, the ring will explain to the person holding it the entirety of its effects. The ring cannot be put on someone who feels they’re being forced to put it on, must be in full capacity to make the decision to put on the ring. In a similar way, a person cannot be forced to keep wearing the ring. If the ring has the permanent drawback, that drawback only kicks in one month after the ring is put on. | Lottery When you take this power, throw a fair coin now. On heads, you gain 12 points. On tails, you gain nothing. In both cases, you must still pay for this power. | |
Welfare leech Upon activation and then every week while this power is activated, wherever you are, you will somehow gain the local equivalent of 1000 modern U.S. dollars, adjusted with inflation. Does not apply to Magical realm. | Halting solution That computer now gains the magical ability to determine if an arbitrary given program halts on an arbitrary given input. This takes O(n). | Noclip You can now pass through solid matter. This can be activated or deactivated on command. If this power is suddenly interrupted, you will be able to stay noclipped until you find a place where you can re-materialize. | Sneaky During activation, you may keep one other ring with sharing is caring from revealing one of the drawbacks. Can be taken multiple times. | Safety measure Powers on rings crafted with this power cannot be used to target or attack the person that crafted this ring. | Pro-choice You can now become sterile on command, are aware of any pregnancy you have, and can abort any pregnancy you’re having at any time. |
Loadsamoney The amount is increased twelvefold. | Ron Paul Real life now looks like an anime (choose which artstyle now). People find that normal. Things still interact normally, they are just perceived as with an anime appearance by humans unless looked at with great detail (so this doesn’t break biology and the such). | Possession You can now possess the body of anyone you see directly for up to an hour every day. They are fully aware of the fact that their body is now moving on its own, but are powerless to help it. | Goa’uld You have an aura that jmake people think that you are special. If you put up a nice enough act and pass your drawbacks for rituals, perhaps you’ll be able to convince people that you are, incarnate, represent, or are sent by some kind of deity and create a sect. You could also become a quite charismatic political leader, but careful of scandals. Can be targeted on specific people only or completely disabled and re-enabled, both on command at any time. | Superluminal All rings that say their effect through space is instantaneous actually lie. Their effect and all information they can convey go at near light speed. While this superluminal is effective, however, the wearers of all rings bearing it can either (choose upon activation) communicate instantaneously or, upon activation, bless the first device they touch with the capacity to communicate instantaneously with other similarly-blessed devices until deactivation. Can be taken multiple times (if you want to bless multiple devices, for example). | Flexible body You body becomes very flexible. You could very easily become a contortionist. |
sudo You can now give seven commands a week to a single person each. They will be extremely compelled to obey, but won’t obey if they can’t, if the order is “too much” or if they resist a lot. | The duplicator Upon activation, select any object by touching it. You will obtain a copy of it after a time proportional to the amount of matter in that object. During this time, the ring cannot be taken off. Copies of living beings arrive dead. For reference, the duration for a laptop is two days. Doesn’t work on enchanted rings. | ||||
Ring of domination
This power is very special: it allows you to gain points through being dominant rather than submissive.
This powers allows you to craft an associated slave ring. That slave ring comes with sharing is caring for free and will be linked to this ring. This ring doesn’t need to be crafted with a positive amount of credits anymore, but there must be enough drawbacks across both rings to compensate the costs of the powers across both rings. Both ring’s drawbacks apply as soon as they are worn; however, their powers only while both rings are being worn. Sharing is caring on the slave ring applies at all times. So the way to have gain powers without suffering drawbacks is to convince other people to submit themselves to drawbacks without rewards. A few notes: - Ring of domination can be taken multiple times on the same ring, and costs only one point if you already have it. - You can choose who is selected for all drawbacks involving other people ( - People you affect with any of your powers cannot wear slave rings. - The wearer of the master ring can force the wearer of the slave ring to take it off. - No power on the slave ring can be used on the last wearer of the master ring. - All punishments on the slave ring’s drawbacks apply to the wearer of the master ring when the slave does something they mustn’t, so you better keep your slaves in check. Those punishments can’t be physical reflex or conditioned. - All “choose now” choices are still made by the maker of the rings. - Slave rings cannot have the permanent drawback. - You always know where the slave ring is, and whether it is being worn. - You can change the jobs on the slave ring every few months unless fixed job is taken, but only the wearer of this ring can change them. - You can change the drawbacks on the slave ring every year as long as it’s not being worn or the wearer of the slave ring agrees to all changes when you do so. Doesn’t apply to jobs. There must still be enough drawbacks to compensate for the cost of the powers for both rings. |
Ring of devotion
This is the submissive counterpart to ring of domination: it allows yourself to devote yourself to someone. That person must agree to it. Obviously, cannot be taken on the same ring as ring of domination; however, different rings with those powers can be worn simultaneously.
Rings bearing this power (“rings of devotion”) allow you to craft one “ring of ownership”, which you will give to the person you wish to devote yourself to, your “master”. The ring of ownership can only bear powers, and the sum of all points in both rings must be non-negative. The ring of ownership comes with sharing is caring for free. Only when both rings are being worn at the same time do their effects affect their respective wearer. If only the ring of devotion is being worn, only its drawbacks apply. The following changes apply: - Cannot be taken on the same ring as sharing is caring. - For all drawbacks involving other people ( - If you take jobs and unless you take fixed job, you owner has full control over how you change jobs. - Your owner has great power over your drawbacks: the goddess is so impressed with your devotion that she has allowed your master to bend the rules of your drawbacks a little. They can influence frequencies, who is involved, what triggers punishments, and the sort. This is all up to your master, and can be in either way. - You are allowed to consult with the person you’re going to devote yourself to before you craft both rings; in fact, you may leave the crafting of those two rings entirely up to them. - As long as it makes sense to do so and there are drawbacks to compensate for cost of the powers on both rings, your master can change what drawbacks and punishments your ring has to their whim every year. - The wearer of the ring of ownership always knows where the ring of devotion is, as well as if the ring of devotion is being worn. |
Limited devotion You are now allowed to refuse a change of drawbacks. This does not apply to jobs. |
DrawbacksAs a general rule, drawbacks always override powers. If drawbacks must involve people but absolutely no one is around, the powers on that ring will start to fade. Unless you want to, the drawbacks won’t affect your life at large: they won’t make you lose important possessions or amounts of money, or receive any permanent damage. |
Occupation The starting income of each job is the number of points it rewards multiplied by the local equivalent of a 1000 modern dollars per month, adjusted with inflation. This can go up if you work well, but also down if you do a shit job. The number of days each job takes is written in brackets for each job. All (and only) requirements that require occupation count as jobs for the rings, except for local idol and fixed job. In general, the jobs are a bit flexible: they’ll offer vacation if you work well enough, and will allow you to take a few days off every now and then. However, if you miss three consecutive days of work while this drawback is active, the punishment you chose for this drawback will trigger. For this reason, it is recommended to keep your jobs on a ring you can take off if you ever want to take a long vacation or completely drop a job. Finally, the job drawbacks are special: as long as the requirement rules are met and the number of total points on the ring is non-negative, you can change which jobs you have selected every month. |
Local idol |
Public report |
Mascot |
Stripper |
Fixed job You can no longer change jobs on this ring. Cannot be taken unless you have at least two days of work a week through job drawbacks. | ||
Idol show |
Model |
Seiyuu |
Prostitute |
High output You now produce 8 times more sexual fluids than you normally would at all times (24 times more for males). Becomes uncomfortable if not milked for a few days. | ||
Lewd show |
Gravure |
H-Hentai ! |
Public service |
Slum mascot |
Ready You are hard/wet at all times. Only affects arousal if you pay attention to it. | Incest
Deactivates spare the family. In addition, all drawbacks that involve other people ( |
Fluid selling [0.5 more days/week] Your lewd voice has aroused some creepy stalkers. They are willing to buy your bodily fluids; the more popular you are, the higher they sell. Your manager is willing to handle the selling as long as you “produce” the fluids yourself. | Famous |
Gloryhole |
Horny You feel effectively horny about half of the time you’re awake, randomly. You can focus on other things, but the urge will remain. | Erogenous At a random time for two continuous hours every day while you are awake, your whole body will become an erogenous zone. The sensitivity of your usual erogenous zones in also greatly increased. | |
Collar For as long as this drawback is active, a discrete, slim collar appears on your neck. It is indestructible and cannot be removed. | Chastised |
Full Random All drawbacks on this ring (except this one, I’m feeling lucky, occupation, and drawbacks that require it) must be taken through I’m feeling lucky. In exchange, you gain one more point each time you either accept a drawback. You may still select power corruptions as normal. | Self-control |
Crude collar Your collar is now a crude metal collar. | Chastity belt |
Buildup Your orgasms are amplified proportionally to the amount of time you’ve stayed in chastity, and how much you’ve been teased. Careful: your “normal” orgasms may begin to feel tame in comparison. | I’m feeling lucky
This drawback has no cost by itself and can be taken multiple times. You may take it at any point during your selection of effects, but it is optimal to take it before you take any other drawback. Each time you take it, do the following: Roll a random number between 0 and . Note: you can use http://random.org/integers to generate numbers. Locate the associated drawback using the grey number below the number of points obtained. Then, choose now between the following options: 1. Accept and take that drawback for this ring, if you can. If you can’t because of requirements, take one of its (direct or indirect) requirements you can take. If you can’t because it’s already taken, take one drawback that (directly or indirectly) requires it and that you can take. If you still can’t, reroll for free. Whatever drawback you take that way, the amount of points it gives you is tripled. 2. Refuse that drawback and reroll. You lose 4 — (the reward of the most rewarding drawback you could have taken by going through option 1) points. If you can reassign drawback points with ring of devotion and ring of domination, you must reassign all points they made you gain through random rolling, including the possible full random bonus. |
Rape touch |
Posture collar Your collar is now a rigid posture collar. | ||||||
Egocentrism |
Exhibitionism |
Rapist |
Egg-laying You occasionally (about once a week) lay a few small eggs through your anus. You will know a few hours in advance before this happens. | |||
Easy lover |
Can’t help it |
Genital laying You now lay the eggs through your vagina/penis. In the latter case, it will stretch to accommodate the laying. | ||||
Bondage capture |
Receiver’s position You can only feel sexual pleasure through receiving anal or oral penetration. They will give you enough pleasure to get off. Unless you take not by myself, you can still masturbate and get off, but only through anal play and sucking phallic objects. | High heels |
Temptation You can now say “I give up”, which will make all restraints come off. This drawback can and must be taken with two punishments, which will all trigger when you give up. | Usable |
Toyed Your bondage now includes stimulating toys that will activate every so often, sometimes for hours. The toys can be controlled by other people. | Tentacles You will now be abused by tentacles while in bondage. The tentacles can be controlled by other people. | New hymen |
Soft torture |
Crowded |
Machinery Your bondage now includes massive fuck machines that will be active about half of the time. Expect exhausting and sometimes even painful hours of penetration from all orifices. The machines can be controlled by other people. | Pick-up artist |
Choose wisely Choose now either anal and oral penetration. The one you choose is now the only way you can feel sexual pleasure. The oral penetration must be sexual in nature. | Faithful |
Hardcore |
Predicament |
Submissive |
Neko-chan |
Pleasurer |
To all |
They know |
Generality |
Suggestible |
In need |
Crawling |
Bowling |
Sanguine debauchery |
Clumsy You very often bump into things, trip while walking and drop things. | |||
Fully animal |
Slutty |
Sorry |
Anal plug |
Bondage |
Pet |
Free market |
Truthful |
Busy schedule |
Stimulation device |
Communism |
Verbose |
Gagged |
Walking stimulation Your stimulation device will now connect to your bondage when you’re wearing it. Walking around a while wearing bondage has a 1/2 chance to make your stimulation go up one level; being in public only increases that chance. Turns off when you sit down or stop moving. You anal plug will also stimulate you. | Distraction Your stimulating device will activate by one level in short bursts every now and them. Expect to be distracted and made horny about ten times a week. | Peer stimul. |
Masochism What would normally cause pain is now the only way you can feel physical pleasure. Cannot be taken together with painless. | Liar |
Fully equipped |
Helpless |
Random stimul. At random times, your stimulation device will turn on, but only by one level. If you don’t have other drawbacks to make it go up one more level, expect a few half-hours of teasing every day. Disables distraction. | Nightmares When sleeping, you have a 1/5 chance of experiencing a short, warped but vivid nightmare of random but always creepy or disgusting individuals or creatures raping you, just before you wake up. If you try to evade them by not sleeping, they may appear and come to rape you in real life. | |||
Humiliation |
More used |
Must blow |
Always You now get the nightmares every night. | They come They will come in real life anyway, sometimes (around every couple of weeks). Expect hours of gangrape. If they’re pleased, they might stop nightmares for the week; but it’s gonna take some work. | ||
Public slave |
Must like it |
Yamete kudasai |
They’re here They now have a 1/3 chance to come every evening. It’s gonna take even more work to keep them entertained. They never come two evenings in a row. | |||
No interruption |
All active drawbacks accross all rings involving other people (marked with a |
Cross-dressing |
Forced orgasm When you orgasm while having sex or masturbating, you will find yourself forced to keep going afterwards for a random amount of time between nothing and half an hour. During this, you will stay hard/wet but will still suffer from post-orgasm oversensitivity, and become temporarily able to orgasm any number of times until the effect ends. During sex, your partner’s orgasm or wish to end the sex is effectively delayed for as long as this drawback keeps you going. | Act like it |
All the way |
Make-up/hairy |
Unfaithfulness |
Egoism |
Milking At random times, goddess’ servants will appear to take you to a device where you will be milked of all sexual fluids and, if applicable, milk. This happens about twice per week, and lasts until you are sucked dry. | Physical change You become an equivalent of yourself but in the gender in question. Overrides swapped gender. You don’t get used to it. | Exaggerated |
Baby life |
Doll-like/unshaved |
Group sex |
Voyeurism |
Obey trigger |
Cheating |
Bad group |
Public sex |
Watches all |
Going viral |
Nyotaimori |
Alt. sustenance |
Lewd aura |
Lust trigger |
Dirty talk |
Large aura |
Cum trigger |
Affecting names |
Harassment |
Permission |
Pro-life |
Altruist |
Unattracted |
Urethra play Your urethra must be plugged for a total of 24 hours every week. Sleeping time counts as half. | Incontinence You need to pee much more often, and will often not be able to hold it for more than a minute. | Lactation You now lactate continuously. Becomes uncomfortable if not milked every few days or so. Requires a female body. | Self-perm |
Parasite A parasitic suit appears around you for as long as this drawback is in effect. It will leave all your holes open and covers only your torso, and is slim enough to be kept under clothes. It activates about four times a week for one continuous hour each time. By default, when active, it only stimulates the skin on your chest and around your buttcheeks. | ||||||
Bestiality |
Not by myself |
Mouth abuse When active, the parasitic suit will also stimulate your mouth using a tentacle. | Anal abuse When active, the parasitic suit will also stimulate your anus using a tentacle. | Genital abuse When active, the parasitic suit will also stimulate your genital organ using a tentacle. | Symbiosis The number of individual hours the parasitic suit will stimulate you for every week is multiplied by five. | |
Animally fertile |
Bondage sleep |
Caged |
Enema |
Vacuum bed |
Bed toys |
Bondage cage |
Tattoo |
Hold it |
Cum enema The enema is now semen. Don’t worry, you are provided with it in enough quantity. | Cumtastic Every sip of drink you take has a random 1/4 chance of changing to semen the moment it enters your mouth. Drinking continually once your sip isn’t cum only makes it more likely for the next one to be cum. | Piercings Choose now one of the following: a set of nipple piercings, or a tongue piercing. That drawback makes you wear unremovable versions of what you have chosen. All piercings act as strong erogenous zones, but won’t get you off; try not to get distracted too often. | Marked |
Public tattoo |
Permanent When you take the ring off, it immediately puts itself back on after the cooldown duration. You can also take seven continuous days of disabled drawbacks every two months, you choose when. | Exposed |
New sex |
Both sets You now wear both nipple and tongue piercings. | Visible piercing |
Cumbath |
Full-time You don’t get the seven days off time anymore. If you want, you can choose now to have the ring become immaterial; its effect permanent, but its physical presence lacking. | Double exposed |
Virgin sex |
Cum addict |
Collector |
Enchante/d/ Rings CYOA version 1.10 by a named anon. Code re-written by /u/SGVsbG8gV29ybGQK. |
The amount of different authors that have contributed to this make this a huge clusterfuck: The originals of 1.09 and 1.10 was by a named anon The first derivative in this chain was done by Lactofork. Referred to before as version 1.21 The second derivative in this chain was done by The Slug Guy. Referred to before as version 1.02TSG The third derivative in this chain was done by /u/SGVsbG8gV29ybGQK. Referred to before as version 1.05 by SGVsbG8gV29ybGQK The fourth derivative in this chain was done by Vintrion This is simply the original version by a named anon to preserve to help preserve the original vision and because it is objectively the best version. Ideally I'd like to integrate the original options into my own variant and have a toggle into the expanded choices |